The known and unknowns in the Navy Yard shooting in Washington DC..
Was Aaron Alexis on meds?
Alexis was 'obsessed' with 'violent video games'
Shooter received medal .. attended Buddhist temple..
Some of the dead are identified..
Security breach troubling on a number of levels..
Check your dates!
The HORROR REPORT would be remiss if it was not on top of the latest and greatest conspiracy theory on the Aaron Alexis shooting .. According to rumors and my OWN EYES, an article appeared describing the Navy Yard shooting--a day before it happened! There may be explanations for this, as the people on Above Top Secret discuss, such as an error in the time stamping code.. But regardless of explanations, expect to hear this being talked about in the conspiratorial circles online..
Alexis liked violent video games. But since he's dead he will not be able to play GRAND THEFT AUTO V, but lots of others will now that it's out..
High praise for Grand Theft Auto.. And here's a gem for your enjoyment, an example of playing by the sword and getting knocked by the sword? Grand Theft Auto V fan hit with brick and stabbed as gang rob him of computer game
Aaron Alexis played violent video games and enjoyed them, or at least we're told..And already today talking heads on TEE VEE are telling us it's time to ban those games.. rid our lives of their hedonism.. the gun rights advocates may breath a sigh of relief. Another industry, the gaming industry, may take the hit on this Navy Yard shooting. Though millions of people play violent video games every day, they don't go on mass killings.
My opinion on 'banning' these games have not changed throughout the years. However, I have evolved in my personal way of thinking.. I have a child now, and will have a very fascist style of governance in my own home.. There will be things my child will not be permitted to play until a time and place of my choosing. I will be a dictator when it comes to pop culture and entertainment. I will attempt to shield my child's mind from trash and garbage for as long as I can. In the mean time he can play Mario and Batman Lego. But that does not mean I think Grand Theft Auto caused the Navy Yard shooting, just as guns did not. It's time to get it all out there: Mental illness is ignored and glanced over, but it's the damn cause of quite a lot. And post-battle PTSD surely does not help. That's my two cents on the topic.. and I don't really care to express more than that.
Other news
These are horrific numbers--pray to God or whatever exists that the missing will be found safe after this Boulder, CO, flooding.... 7 confirmed dead 1,200 people missing.. 1,000 trapped.. 17,500 homes destroyed .. . Our nation is witnessing the biggest aerial response to a disaster since Hurricane Katrina.. There has been more rain and obviously the basic elements that keep modern life going are not.. water is scarce (drinking version).. food.. electricity.. And enter into the equation: Bible prophecy..
Facebook and Twitter being blocked again in Iran..
Earthquake causing hotspot is hiding under the Eastern United States..
Youtubers confront Kissinger..
How low can humans go? They never cease to amaze me. The latest comes from Portland Oregon, where flyers are appearing trying to shame shoppers who use food stamps. Hey, moron, get this: The American economic system has collapsed and lots of people, maybe even you one day, are going to need food stamps. If this is by design, it makes sense.. if not, it shows how incompetent our government has been. Either way, maybe it would make more sense if you do a public search of where grant money goes.. you'll see major corporations get tons more cash than your hated group of poor food stamp recipients.. Unbelievable.
Elton John says that Lady Gaga is in a 'dangerous' place.. John also said that Miley Cyrus is a meltdown waiting to happen. According to Elton, Gaga will not take his calls..
And on the subject of Lady Gaga, here is an odd one about her personal assistant's claim that she shared a bed and had to flush Gaga's toilet....
She's just being Miley: "I'm an adult and I'm acting like a kid"
The CDC sounds the alarms on drug resistant bugs.. (not to be confused with Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber)
This is a night sky without pollution as it was meant to look..
Antarctica is melting from the bottom up..
Fracking gas leaks disputed..
A comet may have jump started life on earth--and other places too..
Deadbeat dad: A racist idiot father in DADS ruins talent. Another review of DADS: Offensive .. Are we surprised? Take peak at any commercial or TV show concerning father figures. They are made to look like morons who cannot walk and talk at the same time. Dads are so 20th century. And then when a strong father figure comes along, they are bashed for being too manly. Society is nuts. It's just plain nuts. In the mean time, DADS is on TV and I hope to God it gets canceled to being as awful as it is..
VARIETY reviews the UNDER THE DOME finale: Underwhelming..
Is the TV version of SLEEPY HOLLOW the next best thing?
Sitting dead? WALKING DEAD spinoff planned..