News thirsty Thursday: Evil nuns, a super pope, and let's trade Bieber for Rob Ford. All that and more in today's news update

IT'S THURSDAY JANUARY 30 2014, and things are looking scary..

The HORROR REPORT is following the John B Wells departure from Coast to Coast AM the best we can, but there's other news too.. News you can use and can't all the same. While exiting the mothership, please watch your step..

Sisters of no mercy: This is a terrible story coming from Ireland.. Irish nuns forced children to eat their own vomit and put soiled bed sheets on their heads and punishment.. Even more, the children were sexually abused, humiliated, and physically assaulted. According to the report on the Sisters of Nazareth children's homes in Londonberry, Northern Ireland, the abused children were forced to bathe in disinfectant, beaten for wetting the bed and locked in cupboards'..

Earth's magnetic field is collapsing and it could affect the climate and wipe out power grids.. reports indicate that the magnetic field has weakened 15% over the past 200 years..

Heated over cold: Who was right and wrong in the man made disaster in the South? As I wrote last night, the snowstorm warning was given several days in advance. There is no reason children should have been going to school the same day, and people had advanced knowledge that some of the coldest and snowiest weather in decades was about to hit parts of the United States that is absent weather like that.. Officials should have been ready, and the NWS and forecasters are not to blame..

Fear and loathing in the Ukraine: The nation may be on the brink of civil war, despite overtures from the government to get rid of some stringent anti-protesting laws that started the insurrection.. The ex-president of the Ukraine, Leonid Kravchuk, says the nation is in a very dangerous place right now.. Judging from images and reports from the nation, we couldn't agree more.. And while the world media reports the protests as though they are new (American media isn't really reporting a thing about them!) it's worth noting that they go back further than what some may think.. Tensions have been boiling for some time, and in December, if you recall, protesters in Ukraine topped a statue of Lenin..

Matt Drudge tweeted "have an exit plan" .. And Clyde Lewis became quite freaked out about it, enough so that if was the topic of his show last night..
The Drudge 'have an exit plan' tweet has raised lots of people's eyebrows and concerns.. Mac Slavo wrote that he thinks Drudge's tweet is evidence of insider information about something dramatically awful occurring soon..

Now appearing in Vatican City! SUPER POPE GRAFFITI!

Now appearing on the ROLLING STORY: SUPER POPE!

The Super Pope crime fighter mural has received the Vatican's seal of approval..

Unplugged: MileyMadonna grind on MTV..

Ooops, he Biebered again.. Little boy Justin arrested for the second time this week.. This time he turned himself into Toronto police for assaulting his limo driver..So Canada, maybe there's never a good time to bring this up, but since you got Beebs, want to keep him? Seriously. You can even give us Rob Ford.. He'd be a great Mayor somewhere down here..

Hmmmmm... I'm really not tall myself.. A new study determines that short people are paranoid, often feeling inferior and overly mistrustful..

Video: Newcasters frantically wonder on air what planet is visible in the sky..

Americans prepared to eat 1.25 billion chicken wings on Sunday during the Super Bowl.. And how many toilet flushes will that equal across the fruited plain?

The Latoya Ammons haunting is now receiving global attention.. The BBC is reporting on it, and focusing on Gary Police Captain Charles Austin and his testimony about the strange occurrence in the Indiana house..

Paper reports of paranormal activity in Michigan nursing home.. report indicates that staff often see those who have died, now even expecting visits from those who pass away in home.. Money quote from the article: "On Sunday, Aug. 22, 2010, another caregiver at the assisted living center, whom we will address as Amanda, was working second shift when she went to attend a resident in need. When she returned to her medical cart in the hall, she found a message scribbled out in black ink. It read: “We are from the plane — lost — we will not hurt you! Honest!”"

Bigfoot in Potter County, PA? Some think yes..