The FOX news report you can’t see to decide

War and rumors of war, as the September 11 anniversary approaches, now new rumors abound online.

Click through to this link, it is from a website that clearly delves deep into conspiracy theory. ;

Before you discount it out of hand, take a look at the cashed versions of the FOXNews website that it presents.. If what I see is true, it appears that FOXNews has been doing test runs and fake reporting on a September 11, 2014 attack within the United States by the militant group ISIS..

Are you seeing the same thing, are you looking at the same screen caps from the FOXNews website?

Users across the Internet are now scouring any versions of old Fox news reports they can find showcase that the company published this fake story more than one time, another cached version looks like it was in there:http://verumetinventa.wordpress.com/2014/08/22/hacked-or-legit-fox-news-leaks-next-false-flag-attack-9112014/ on the FOX weekly site..

As usual, I offer this up for your discernment and proper digestion. It’s definitely conspiracy theory, although it appears that maybe Fox news got trapped doing a practice run in real time for something that may or may not occur.

We know the big news organizations have obituaries done for famous people years in advance .. Maybe they do the same practice stories for breaking news events also? I frankly would not be surprised, however I would be extremely shocked that someone accidentally posted such stories into the mainstream on live real websites. That is irresponsible, as seen in this instance.

It’s weird and creepy. All of the people who say this is evidence of an upcoming false flag probably are not correct, it is more likely just a major blunder from some people who should never have committed such a clumsy act online.

We report, you decide.

and then this...

Online posts show ISIS eyeing Mexican border, says law enforcement bulletin »

Various sources are putting out news today that a bulletin insists terrorists or use the southern border as a staging rounds for the coming attack…