UFOs over Harrisburg PA

Harrisburg Woman and Police Say They Saw a UFO »

The Pennsylvania woman who captured an unidentified flying object on her cell phone camera says she is, “scared to death now.”

It surely does look a bit odd.. Especially when military facilities nearby say no flight activity would have been taking place on that night..

The city of Harrisburg also say this object—more than just the woman being profiled by ABC NEWS and GOOD MORNING AMERICA..

Eyewitnesses to the event say the object was not moving and was changing colors .. 911 calls were made, police saw it when they arrived on scene… The National Guard said it wasn’t them..

I believe that this is a UFO—by definition any ‘unidentified flying object’ is a UFO.. But the fact that people are seeing this more than one night, and nights in a row in certain instances, tells me that we have two possibilities: A drone. Or … something ‘out there’..