The first trailer for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS debuted this Thanksgiving weekend.. after much anticipation, the biggest thing that people have seemingly latched onto is the newest light saber style for the Empire.. The Dark Side is back with the red color, but the flames seem to make a letter T.. some compared it to a bizarre style of the cross, perhaps a the perversion of the trinity? A deeper message in the hooded figure walking in the forest?
As for me? I like it.. It surprised me a bit when I saw it, maybe that was the intention..
For those of you who aren't a STAR WARS fan and don't have one in your inner circle of family and friends, you need to understand that these changes, while slight and meaningless to some, set the fanboy-girl world on fire with debate and theatrics. Thanks to the internet, people immediately rant on Facebook, cuss on Twitter, and rumble on Tumblr..
Along with this new STAR WARS light saber style, though, comes some pretty inventive memes floating around the net..
The always reliable MASHABLE has a bit of an accounting of some of the best ..Including these:
And this, perhaps my favorite:
The creative stylings of fans online never ceases to amaze me..
Inventive minds are always at work. Memes are the most refreshing of examples of how people can still think outside the box.
x x x
There is a bit of sad news in relations to the STAR WARS franchise being reported today, though.. The story comes from the UK MIRROR.. the tabloid is profiling David Prowse.. he is the giant, literally speaking at 6 feet plus, who played DARTH VADER in the original Lucas films.. The unfortunate way life has played out for him, however, is not happy: He is suffering from dementia and, according to his own confession, not improving with medication. In the article, Prowse admits that since Darth Vader was killed from the movie, there's really no way back.. I feel awful for him, though, to be one of the few who could not reprise a role in the newest film.
And that note, memes and Prowse aside, I wonder this: The ultimate test for the new STAR WARS film will be to achieve a new Darth Vader of our time.. will that occur? Could the dark side come with a new being in this film, one that will make DARTH VADER look like an amateur?
There has been some opinions that the greatest movie villain of all time has VADER in the top 5, if not 3..
STAR WARS is awakening with a new force.. But will they be able to provide this generation of selfies and tech addicts the villain they want, or better yet, the villain they need?
We will find out in December 2015.
Until then, I trust a number of more memes will be released with each trailer..