Jim Jones, someone who was politically heralded for many years and supported by money of the elite, spoke words during an eerie and bizarre final ceremony at the compound telling his flock that they will be dead anyway so there's no other way to die and by taking his poison drink. He spoke of it as though it was a religious ritual which would save them from judgment and speak to the world. He said it was an act of defiance to the cruel world--a message to the entire planet from the small branch of imprisoned souls who could not escape the evil clutch of the man who wanted them all to die..
Jonestown spoke to the world, and still does. It is the most deplorable of the calamities to befall a large group of people who originally wanted to be free of evil of worldly possessions and embrace God. Instead they died because of a delusional madman. Jonestown is an obvious lesson about how dangerous some religious pimps can be. Jones was not a man of God, but quite the opposite. During his final moments of recorded audio his voice sounded like it was possessed by some other worldy demon, it was a strange and unusual and cryptic few moments in time, moments that live in infamy. While people were dying and convulsing and paint before him, he continued to paint a picture that they were doing it in the form of a mass protest that could grant them entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven.
In the end, he was not even brave enough to drink his own Kool-Aid, shooting himself instead, obviously seeing the fate of others and the slow and painful death they encountered.
That is why today when I heard the words of Louis Farrakhan, Jim Jones came flashing back to my mind's eye..
I don't offer the story is any commentary on the Ferguson Missouri situation, nor do I take any position at this time about officer Darren Wilson or the shooting death of Michael Brown. That debate is for websites other than this, it's not my purpose here and this is not the venue ...But what I do want to show you all this startling video of what Farrakhan had to say:
He wants his flock to die for something.. He wants to 'tear' the country up.. the strangest part of the video was Farrakhan's face as he spoke of the death of the people seated in front of him:
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It would certainly appear that Mr. Farrakhan was filled with some sort spiritual presence in the "we're going to die anyway" statement, his eyes lighting up as though he was seeing spirits before his face. His sheer jubilation could not be masked when he mentioned that babies should be taught how to throw bottles instead of just sucking on the tip for milk, and he grew even more insane looking as his face contorted when he was filled with some sort of an exuberance about the thought of people who follow him dying in some sort of act of defiance.
Yes, there are times when people made the decision that death was more important than life and that it spoke louder than any words which could have been said during existence. We celebrate those heroes of yesterday, we even celebrate the wounded warriors who come back from war and those who never made it. Their sacrifices for us are immense.. History is filled with the corpses of martyrs and peacemakers ...
But there is something very creepy deep down when you hear a minister, a man purported to be spreading the word of God, speaking about how God would want his followers to die. His bright smile at the thought of it makes me wince, and yet again reminded me of how many susceptible people are to fall in line with false prophets who propose a cold of death rather than warm hope..
I really do not think a God, one which would create life and want it to live, would expect people who love that very life to take up arms in violence to kill their fellow brother. But as we see from history, the prophets who pretend that they know what God wants are very quick to tell us to do just that.
Countless reverends tell their congregations to 'get ready.'
There are both right and left wing God whores who couldn't get less about scripture..