It seems so many times that once a major company or facility says there was a cyber attack that took place, a dribble of information comes wincing out of the PR department.. There is little news initially, except for the instance of the hack itself. It is downplayed.. in a sense, a full accounting is being conducted.
We learned of the SONY hack attack over a week ago. At that time, North Korea was suspected to be angry over the upcoming comedy THE INTERVIEW--so much so that allegations were made that the country hired on hackers to decimate SONY. If that is what actually took place, the attack went far beyond what was initially known..
The HOLLYWOOD REPORTER tonight is now making the full details public.. Not only did the hack occur, but major celebrities and insiders have had their social security numbers splashed across the world's widest web: The Internet.. 47,000 to be exact--at least according to this report. As we saw from the original trickle, perhaps more will eventually be known..
But tonight, the HOLLYWOOD REPORTER is naming names: Sly Stallone's SS number is now known.. As is Judd Apatow, and Rebel Wilson's.. Along with SS numbers: Personal addresses, salaries, and other private information kept on computer file at SONY going back to at least the year 2000...
The HOLLYWOOD REPORTER further mentions North Korea as the suspect nation in massive attack..
Other news agencies are beginning to take the lead from the HOLLYWOOD REPORTER and talking about just how massive this data breach is--historic in every sense.. The SONY attack is exposing stars and their personal information, they are naked the protections of body guards and data filters ..
SONY had mass amounts of data stored in a place where lots of it could be stolen in one lump sum..
We also know that the GUARDIANS OF PEACE, or the GOP, did this.. Whether North Korea was behind the GOP attack or not is still a million dollar question. BLOOMBERG wrote about this very issue hours ago.. They questioned whether North Korea was the villain in the hack attack, namely because one would assume THE INTERVIEW would have been a subject of the attack itself. In this instance it was not.
But North Korea has also not denied the incident being their fault--but why would they? After all, even if they didn't do it, their would get some kind of potential street cred on the global fear stage if people at least thought they did..
There seems to be something missing in this North Korea theory.. something big. Like common sense..
I don't think it translates well..
And if North Korea did such a thing, attacking an institution like Hollywood here in the United States, would that not be some form of an act of 21st century war?
That's the other unanswered million dollars question...
THE INTERVIEW premieres Christmas..