HUNGER GAMES MOCKINGJAY continued to dominate the Thanksgiving box office this weekend followed by family friend THE GOOD DINOSAURS.. the MARTIAN stayed strong..
$62 mil for MOCKINGJAY and Pixar's DINOSAUR had a 79% makeup of families during the weekend to $28 mil in America and $82 mil globally..
The big story of the weekend is not the individual amounts of each movie, but the overall theme: The box office was 12% up compared to the 2014 Thanksgiving weekend..
Store shopping was down. Perhaps black Friday bargains don't need attention when Cyber Monday is around the corner. The same people shopping years previous are picking time with family in theaters.. Which is an amazingly great concept to me.
There have been some years previous when Thanksgiving and Christmas days ended at the movies. That may be an up and coming tradition so as long as major production companies continue to give quality reasons to make it happen.