Suicide rates among non-Hispanic American Indians and Alaska Natives were, in 1999, already the highest of any ethnic group, despite being widely underreported. By 2014, roughly 1 in 2,000 men in this ethnic group committed suicide, a 60% increase over the suicide rate among male American Indians and Alaska Natives that prevailed in 1999.
Among all men under 75, suicides surged. In the age group most prone to fatal self-harm -- 45 to 64 -- almost 30 in 1,000 men committed suicide in 2014, a 43% increase over 1999's rate. Non-Hispanic black males were the only racial or ethnic group of either gender to have a lower suicide rate in 2014 than in 1999.
All since the class of 99...
Since Columbine.
Economic collapse.
Suicide and escapism...