The 'killing season'

 The CHICAGO TRIBUNE is running an amazing article about this time of year.. The violent time.. As they report, The 'killing season'
 Without question this is one of the cruelest months.. Hitler's birthday. Columbine. Waco.. Oklahoma City. Stabbing in PA. Riots..
 All April.
 All April 19.
 All the time when the worship of Baal is the strongest--now until May.
 Oddly enough this year it seems the climate has picked up on the action. Flooding in Houston. Japan quakes with a fear the island could break apart.. Tornadoes and windswept fears across the land. Spring is rebirth. And new birth of new fearful possibilities.
 Give it a read.. and don't be afraid. The flowers of May will soon bloom.
 If we make it through April we'll be fine.