Proving Hitchcock Right, Bird Attacks Are Turning Violent This Summer
“More than 250 million of the birds live across North and Central America, and this summer some are feeling extra aggressive toward human neighbors—driving them to change walking routes, wear protective headgear or furiously wave arms above their heads as they jog. “You talk to people about being attacked by birds, and they look at you like you’re crazy,” says Mr. Vedder, a 60-year-old programmer. “This is ‘The Birds’ all over again, but it’s real!” Many people who have long lived in harmony with the birds have noticed an uptick in their aerial assaults this season. Bird-on-human attacks are growing more common as people encroach on their habitats, says Lori Naumann, information officer at the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.”
This is so true. Has been happening here in Pennsylvania. People have been complaining about aggressive birds and birds that suddenly are dying by flying head on into houses and moving cars in bigger numbers ..
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