More from the strange department.. yesterday news was rampant of Greenland losing 97% of its ice in four days.. today there is news of an unexpected ozone destruction taking place over the United States..
Anyone getting alarmed yet? A sweeping 'Grand Canyon' as been discovered beneath Antarctic Ice.. It is tied to the loss of ice..
And then there is James Moore and Nibiru..
A solar system has been found that mirrors ours.. Maybe it is ours. Maybe it's a reflection of us at one time in the past? Or the future. Light years away ... it was us. Maybe you'll get there and dinosaurs will be dominant. Or perhaps you'll see Ben Franklin forcing his son to hold a kite during a lightning storm. Science will tell us that this is simply similar to ours, but I will speculate since I have the freedom to do so, and say: Maybe this is actually us looking at ourselves. If we did, though, would we even know what we are seeing?
A boy opened a hot dog stand for his disabled parents. The city shut it down..
Kristen Stewart cheated! Lady Gaga came to the rescue.. ! I yawned.