PATERNO TOPPLED.. Next the NCAA will strike back.. Developing story from Unhappy Valley

The statue of former Penn State coach Joe Paterno that heroically stood outside of Beaver Stadium in State College PA is gone, and now being store in a secure undisclosed location.

Debate has raged since Paterno's name was revealed as one who former FBI director Louis Freeh named as  player in the Sandusky sex scandal. Paterno, Freeh reported, along with other top Penn State officials, helped cover up the crimes of Sandusky for fear that it would shame the great name of Penn State. A name not so great anymore.. a name shamed even more after the cover up. But in this situation, it's hard to say the cover up is worse than the sickening crime, perhaps better to say they are both equal in this situation.

7 feet tall. 900 pounds of bronze. A statue that stood for years.. 
Pride of Penn State.
900 pounds of shame ... 7 feet tall all the way down to a caricature of itself. That is the new story of Happy Valley.