The media will spend lots of time giving James Holmes attention in the coming months.. But it's time for the victims to be thought about. 12 dead. 58 more injured. People of all races and ages.. And yes, a 6-year-old is dead while her mother is injured in care of a hospital..
The UK DAILY MAIL has an in depth article devoted to the stories of many who died--which included people who died saving their loved ones, service members, children, and people celebrating birthdays..
This story can't get any more ghastly than it is.. I'm curious out there whether some people who were geared to go chose instead to stay away?
12 people who didn't are dead because of a lunatic.
As he sits in jail spitting at guards thinking he's in a movie, families in Colorado are faced with a grim reality: Unexpected funerals and a future of mourning..