Biggest solar flare of the year hits earth.. And keep watching sunspot 1719--it has the potential to produce an X flare today and it's directly facing the planet earth at this time..

The anti-us? Does dark matter contain a mysterious complete shadow of the Milky Way?? And if so, imagine that.. and imagine the ramifications.. Could the alternate Milky Way contain a better humankind, or worse? Maybe an evil God, or a good one (depending on your point of view) .. The possibilities are endless..

How to potty train a demon child *Seriously, a website claims that demons could be preventing your child from learning how to use indoor plumbing. I am beginning to go through the potty training phase with my own son.. perhaps it's time to perform an exorcism if it does not work..

How to bring MALEVOLENCE 3 to life.. (*Stevan Mena is an old friend of the HORROR REPORT, and we certainly hope he is successful in bringing this flick to fruition..*)