I had a surely strange dream last night involving several things. To make a long nightmare short, there were a few things that stuck out.. a long-lost friend of mine was in it. He owed a spa.. and his number was 717-747-and I forget the rest.. He lived in a place called "Normandy, PA." And when I got home from visiting him, my father was driving up the yard in a car he doesn't own anymore, and he fell into a giant sinkhole.. and then I wake up and see a Russian city is being eaten alive by sinkholes. I don't see any truly correlation, but ... it irritates me when I have dreams like this and am left wondering if there is anything to it..

Remember the WalMart executive who said sales were a 'total disaster' last month? He's gone..

Let's be careful with this one, folks.. please? Early dinosaur embryos found in China..