The President will address the United States on Tuesday to tell Americans... that war is needed and important for the ..stability of the United States? The world? Are there weapons of mass destruction? A decade of war behind us.. another one on the way?
While some may want to give peace a chance, others aren't so sure that non-violence will solve the matter..
General Petraeus hasn't been in the news for having sordid sexual affairs recently, so I suppose it was a good time for him to rear up and set the matter straight on Syria: He wants the Congress to go along with the President's call to arms.. He said action there is 'necessary' to deter Iran and North Korea... Quite the chess match planned--but didn't we hear these plans before.. .from a certain General who ran for President in the middle of the last decade?? You can research that one..
But Obama finally is not standing alone.. As the players take their sides in the great new war, the United States is joined by the EU --thanks Merkel from Gerkel.. Of course Syria may have Russia. Pootie Poot's soul isn't being seen lately ..
Harry Reid believes the President will win on the use of force.
Remember when Dick Armey had a secret meeting with Dick Cheney? I wonder if Joe Biden is up for the challenge with Rand Paul...?
Maybe a filibuster? Will Mr. Smith go to Washington amid chemical attacks and the eating of hearts in another land?
There are a few voices still left saying peace should be given a chance..those likely peacemongers include the Pope, who dared get involved with foreign affairs and asked for the world to fast and end the spiral of death in Syria.. Boy, Francis sure has some nerve...
Tens of Thousands heard the word--and the flock gathered at the Vatican to attend a peace vigil..praying that the United States does not do what it appears poised to..
Meanwhile...the honest journalists at BS news...err...CBS news .. reported the Pope's decree with a little sadness.. They were upset that these anti-war protests were against the Dear Leader... the CBS reporter asked this of the Pope's call for peace: "Does it matter?"
Does CBS matter?
Does Mark Phillips matter? I think more people know who I am than him, and my circle of friends is small..
What does matter?
Will the President's address to the nation matter...will the next bombing matter.. will the cable news networks using high color graphics matter! What the hell matters!?
In ten years it will be 2023 and we'll know what happened in 2013, just as we knew what happened in 2003.. The ten year war cycle seems to be continuing, doesn't it?
"We've always been at war with Eastasia."
John Kerry was never in Skulls and Bones.
What else ya got for me??