Late last night, the world found out that Ariel Castro, just sentenced to 1,000 years in prison for kidnapping and torture, was dead.. He was found hanged in his cell.. Justice does not seem to be served with this action.. suicide? Or did another prisoner do it.. did the guards let it happen? Or is this simply another example of Castro himself yet again robbing people of justice, being put out of his wretched misery much too soon..? He was moved for his safety prior to the death, says a report.. An investigation will now begin into why this happened and how it happened..
ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.. John McCain caught playing poker on phone during Senate hearing on military action in Syria..
"No war in my name" campaign from 2002 turns into #IDidntJoin in 2013: Members of the military photographing themselves holding anti-Syria war signs and posting online..
Syria: The most important moment in Rand Paul's career so far
Among the stories silenced by Syria war drums, the United States government appears to be frantically preparing for a disaster of massive proportions..
War looms.. and Obama goes to Sweden..
Cool summer.. all caused by a volcanic eruption in Russia?
Rare tornado in Japan..
Louisiana sinkhole: Now realignment plans of 'the round'
Fukushima No 4 fuel pool is the 'greatest threat humanity has ever faced'.. that according to David Webb, a CEO from Origin Investments in Sweden.. why is the Pacific Ocean 'boiling' near Fukushima?
There have been a lot of websites and people speaking about the strange sounds in the sky and noises above.. Linda Moulton Howe has been thoroughly investigating the matter, along with many other not-so-mainstream sources.. But this latest noise that came from Canada seems to be getting the biggest headlines..
Energy company BREAKS DOWN A DOOR to install smart meter!
Information on "your" smartphone app about your health is being sold to other companies..
A million middle class families can no longer buy homes..
Big dairy corporations wants aspartame in its products--and asks the FDA if they can stop labeling !
Schools using new strategies to battle binge drinking on campus..
123-year-old Bolivian farmer still kicking.. And through Carmelo Flores' life, he never had vitamins, protein shakes, or a gym membership.. He said he is still alive because of riverside mushrooms and around the clock chewing of coca leaves..
Justin Bieber "sobered' by the experience of being attacks in Canada?
New equation for estimating life in the universe..
TRANSFORMERS 4 poster gets revealing..
Slash on his new horror movie NOTHING LEFT TO FEAR
CONJURING horror fans are harassing homeowners