Modern world: Should PARENTS be charged when their kids cyberbully
Boy Scouts leader destroys millions-old rock formation in Utah park..
And there is videotape to prove it..
Criminal charges--and an INTERNATIONAL outcry!
New super-typhoon heading towards Japan.. .. and it will follow the previous path. It's like mother nature wants to only exacerbate the dangers of Fukushima..
Asteroid discovered after passing earth..
Big asteroid may collide with earth in August 2032.. And if we make it through 2032, there's another one set for a close shave in 2036. Retirement for me is looking really, really bad..
New and disturbing details emerge from Sandy Hook shooting ..
Does God really care who wins football games? *NO!*
Strange tales from the deserted towns in Colorado, abandoned by the flooding earlier this autumn: Towns "spooky" and empty..
The Monsanto Protection Act is history.. (for now)
Seven African nations join in anti-Monsanto protests..
Manhunt underway in Florida for two murdered that were mistakingly released from prison..
Report: Britain faces dangers of no electricity during the winter..
Former Vice President Dick Cheney says he once feared that terrorists could use the electrical device that had been implanted near his heart to kill him and had his doctor disable its wireless function
The five best horror movies that flopped..
Post-baby Kim Kardashian draws a BACKLASH for bikini selfie.. She has received comments calling her body disgusting and others saying she is desperate.. I am quite tired of the world of 'selfies' ..
Verdict: Comet Ison is still alive..
Good odds to endure the solar fly-by..
..or will the Christmas Comet crack up?
Update: Michael Bay attacked on set in Hong Kong..
Box office update: GRAVITY still leads while CARRIE is second..
review: CARRIE is gorier than the original, but not better..