Midway through the month already.. this year near over. How did the resolutions go?
Here's the smattering of patterings for you, offered like rain on a tin roof..
The news of today. For better or worse..
Anyone feel some planetary shaking lately? Like.. a lot?
Another powerful typhoon is headed towards Japan.. this one appears to be set to have an impact on Fukushima.. More so than previous.. And so much so that some fear 'inflows of water' with a huge flood potential around the doomed nuke plant. Is TEPCO ready?
Forced labor is central to the Chinese economic miracle.. I know you don't think about it throughout the day when you happily tap your touchscreen phone.. but there are lots of drops of blood, gallons of sweat, and often death, that went into your handheld device..And your other products, too.
Brooklyn mourners question the violent death of Miriam Carey --they are doing the questioning that the media should.. not one civil rights activist is asking why a mother was gunned down in front of her baby even though she had no weapons? No one cares that a woman's only crime--at the most--seemed to be mental issues? No one asks why the police overdid their force and murdered this woman? No one.. Except people at a funeral with her half-open casket .. This story has been ignored since it occurred.. There are times the 'watchdog' media acts more like a poodle fearing a beating at the hands of an owner..
Claim running on the website BeforeItsNews.com: Nibiru brightens the sky after a sunset in Mexico.. There is video, too.. I have often laughed at these ridiculous claims of Planet X.. but sometimes I feel like I'm just laughing in spite of myself, and my fear.. I cannot explain the video. There is a chance the light comes from clouds .. there is also a chance that the time stamp on this supposed video is just wrong, or flawed.. or perhaps an old image was used in place of a new one..? I'm sure someone with a sound scientific background could--and if they do, I will be secure laughing at Nibiru claims again.. Until then.. hmmm..
The pink stars are falling.. or was that purple? An interesting event occurred in the skies the other day..
I tend to like the stories I find on CRACKED.COM.. but I did not really appreciate this article that was sent to me making light of people who think aspartame and high fructose corn syrup are dangerous.. I stray from conspiracy theories without backup information, but a simple search not only on the origins of both of these artificial chemicals and the outcome of their use will bring you loads of scientific information--real science with real studies--documenting their not always-that-safe reputation.. I think it's a really healthy idea to eat all real food--no more than one or two ingredients in each of the food products you cook/eat.. And this Cracked article pushing fake additives annoyed me, and somewhat offended my intellgience..
As NOT SEEN on American media: March against Monsanto rallies anti-GMO activists around the planet..
HUFFINGTON POST asks what is the 'worst' sexy Halloween costume. I swear this is just an attempt to get website hits from the term 'sexy halloween costume' in Google searches..
Gordon Levitt, Rudd Vying For "Ant-Man" If I would choose, I'd go with Levitt..
WALKING DEAD return a hit again.. 16 million viewers for the debut..It actually broke cable ratings records..