A photo showing its age

10291108_10205319752499615_2955116092100004107_nThe grainy image you see here was once a moment of happiness in time. Seven years ago today, my wife and I 'tied the knot'... Some would jest that the bounds of holy matrimony only conflict with modern realities of existence, and others would say the troubles of the tight 'knot' of marriage isn't worth the trouble.

Quite frankly, I could not disagree more..
Are there tough days? Sure..
Have there been dim moments? Of course..

Seven years into marriage, some amazing and sad moments come to mind.. The most amazing and miraculous part of my life was watching my son be born into this world. Since that time, my wife and I have both lamented world violence and murderous rampages that seem to be commonplace .. But that life being born, that first cry, and each and every day since has left us with the impression that we have done something right. Also, we both agree: We will strive to continue to do something right..


Tragic moments have been mixed in with miracles. Deaths in the family.. car problems.. monetary lapses in the wallet. All of those common troubles that are associated with living in America..

My wife and I are 20th century kids, people who have left our growing pains at the doorstep of the year 2000. Now 14 years later, bringing up a child in a new millennium, you're what you own..

And what is it that we own?
Material possessions? Some.. some others are on the tab, being paid with those credit cards that we wish we did not have..

But what we own on the higher level is much more impressive: Love, acceptance of each other--and this is important. Also: We have a family. Do we own our son? In a sort of way.. but he's his own person. Our job is to mold him and create a human being that will change this world, make a difference, and get out of the negative spiral that so often consumes our brains.

That's what living in America is to us, right now..
Living with love. Living with a positive approach even in the face of turmoil and darkness..

Living in America. We are from the last millennium.
But we're dying a new one--all the while raising a child to not be alone.

Happy anniversary to Tara, my wife. 2007 until now.. With all of that life in between. So much done. So much more to go..
You're not alone.