AMERICAN IDIOTS: Keene State and the Great Pumpkin Festival Hell

Multiple ambulances have been were sent to a disturbance Saturday afternoon at the Keene Pumpkin Festival near Keene State College in New Hampshire, officials said. The Keene police and fire departments could not immediately say if people were injured, or provide details of what was happening. »

It is a town festival, a moment of pride.. last year it set a world’s record .. this year it is the scene of Halloween hell as “extreme partying” takes over..

Four people danced atop an overturned car in Keene, N.H.

Scenes like this get me a bit angry..

What are we, as a society, doing? What type of hell of a future are we creating?

The kids aren’t alright. And they are quite frankly growing up to become very un-alright adults, people who lack a sense of decency or moral allegiance to a nation with rights for all.

The world is watching us, America.
We once shined.
Now we have dimmed to the point that we cannot even recognize ourselves in the mirror.

Tricks .. treats.. tear gas under the autumn leaves in a cold October breeze.

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