Solar flare udpate

Active sunspot AR2192 unleashed a massive X.3 class solar flare..
The massive sunspot clearly emitted a giant flare during this circumstance..

But the amazing part, despite the planet starting down the barrel of a gun, this flare failed to produce a noteworthy CME..

Prior to the flare taking place, astronomers and scientists were amazed watching the size of 2192, the sunspot that would end all sunspots.

It was called 'freakish' in nature, and was the largest on our heating source since 2008.  The at point prior to the X.3 class flare, Jupiter would have been able to fit into the area.

For some reason, each time there's the potential ED DAMES type end of all technology scenario, we avoid hell being unleashed. Either something is watching over us or, just by fate, nothing horrid in nature has occurred yet.

With the size of this sun spot, we are quite lucky, actually..
Let's hope that 2192 now revolves away from the direct view of the planet Earth without much more fanfare..