I have a few calls into people concerning what happens if Isaac hits the sinkhole in Louisiana..

I will let all of you out there know if professors who I sent messages to get back to me within the time frame necessary to get any word out that I can to help people affected. . Until then the sitaution appears to be getting even more stressful. Latest projections by the NOAA take Isaac as a Hurricane directly onto land somewhere near New Orleans between Tuesday and Wednesday.. Louisiana and Mississippi have declared states of emergency.. Metro New Orleans is in the hurricane warning zone issued by the National Hurricane Center..

I have been, as expected, receiving some correspondence from people through email about the sinkhole and what the hurricane would do the already tense matter .. As of yet no trustworthy theories or true science has been presented for me to re-publish. I don't want to fear monger or create hype or rumors, but instead actually add something true .. what is probable and what isn't..? Email me at Bryan@horrorreport.com with thoughts of theories..

And finally, according to forecasts tonight, when Isaac hits somewhere this week it is expected to be a Category 2--a strong storm.. Other models are suggesting a category 3.. some forecasters are privately worrying about a 4..