The Yangtze River in China is the longest and largest river in the nation.. yesterday in Chongquing, where the Yangtze connects to the Jialin River, the water turned a deep orange-red color. Residents are baffled by the new found color of the "golden" river--some however are blaming it on the widely known problem of waste and pollution from industrial China. Chongquing is an industrial city..
According to international dispatches from the site of the red river, people are so amazed by the circumstances that they are actually going into the water with plastic bottles in order to save the discolored liquid.. others online are proclaiming days of tribulation coming, as Revelation says angels will make water on the planet turn to red during the last days..
To many, the events could signal doom. But to others who are more realistic, other approaches are more likely. Perhaps a chemical spill, perhaps low oxygen levels in the water, and maybe just a chemical dye that leaked into the river and caused the color.
While it's difficult to accept most of what Red China says about orange rivers, it's clear that since this made it through the filter of Chinese censorship, some type of explanation will be forthcoming.. LiveScience is reporting that Chinese officials are investigating the cause, and so far believe it may be an industrial dye or upstream silt..
Cause yet to be identified. I don't expect any officials to admit Armageddon is on the way.