Powerful earthquake hits Costa Rica..

After 35 years, Voyager nears the edge of the solar system..

No denial: West Nile cases top 2,000..

Thousands of dead fish wash up on Lake Erie shore..

Ferocious wind storm knocks out power in Anchorage, Alaska..

7-year-old girl catches PLAGUE from fleas on dead squirrel..

Vlad the Impaler Putin muses on the benefits of group sex!

Hacker group Antisec has leaked information suggesting that the FBI is tracking and monitoring all Americans with iPhones..

New information: Extinction had already started before the dino killer asteroid (though wasn't there a story just a few months ago that the asteroid never occurred and something ELSE killed off the dinosaurs?

The human genome is far more complex than what scientists ever thought.. Which brings up the pesky question: Evolution or divine power? Maybe hand in hand? I heard a theory that perhaps, just perhaps, the truth can be found once science and spirituality merge together.

Wild Bill: First Clinton was late for last night's Democratic convention speech.. then he went way over the 24 minutes given to him--by double.. Think he thinks he was campaigning for his third term? The 1990s.. cheap gas prices, fun times, Seinfeld.. oh and the dotcom bubble, the beginning of the housing market crisis, and NAFTA and GATT getting rid of American jobs. Pick the version of the 1990s you want to remember..

"God" was put back into thge Democratic platform--but not before the room lit up in anger about it..

2013: The year of the food crisis..

5 ways to spot a fake photo..