The whole zombie apocalypse was funny--at first.. now maybe the government just be realistic about future disasters .. please?

But in my humble opinion its humor has run dry.. no more laughs when I see the headlines referring to 'it' .. instead now I grumble in annoyance at joke--a joke that has gone on too long and vastly worn out its semi-welcome..

The latest example of the government utilizing the slogan in a tongue in cheek manner comes from the Department of Homeland Security, which said that the 'zombies are coming'..   I suppose the logic may make sense.. they figure if you're ready for zombies you can be ready for the New Madrid Fault rumbling, or California falling off the West Coast, or the Canary Islands erupting and causing the East Coast tsunami.. And interestingly, as the HUFFINGTON POST reports,  many the movie ZOMBIELAND '33 rules' for dealing with the dead resembles the list that the federal government is using for disaster preparedness.

Bless the souls of the folks in Homeland Security for wanting people to be prepared. Sure, I get it. But the zombie thing? OLD.. beyond old now.

As a matter of fact, it may have worked for .. about the first month they tried it. Then after that burst of cannibalism earlier this year it sort of got tainted by reality. Suddenly people online speculated that the government REALLY WAS warning of a zombie apocalypse.

What I would argue, again in an opinion that is reeking of humility, is that the federal government should speak to people like we are adults. Prepare us with reality but not fear. Don't say, for example, that if the New Madrid Fault erupts it would be the end of humanity, but instead educate on what happened in the past when it went.. And also, since there is quite a slew of earthquakes striking California in a seemingly odd cluster, perhaps talk realistically about how to prepare for the big one in our modern age of cell phone technology and WIFI connections.  And the big one: SOLAR FLARES. We need some reality from the government on their estimates of chances of survival if a large flare knocked out the power grid for some time.

Instead, though, they give us zombies. They figure we can deal with zombies and laugh and roll our eyes.. but in the end, does it help you really prepare? No. It just reinforces the silliness of this whole dead will walk the earth premise. 

And in the end, an educated populace is better than one submerged in ludicrous jokes and laughs about zombies roaming the night landscape.  We need real science, and mature officials telling humanity how exactly the wise way would be to prepare for future earth changes--changes that seem to get closer every day..