It is a record breaking galaxy cluster..
It's cool to work for NASA again.. mowhak guy from mission control now a satire video..
RIP Harry Harrison.. his book was the inspiration for SOYLENT GREEN..
Chemical found in common antibacterial soap has been linked with impaired muscle functions..
All gone!? Scientists warn that Antarctic sea ice could completely vanish within ten years. This year the sea ice melt has been 50% higher than predicted..
Another ramification of this year's drought: A huge increase in poisonouse spiders!
Technology finds the past: Two previously unknown Egyptian pyramids, heavily worn down, have been located by Google Earth..
Monsanto spending huge dollars to try to kill California initiative that would label GMO food.. BUT THEY ONLY DONATE $20,000 to a home gardening program!
War drums bang: Israel estimates the cost of a 30-day war with Iran; Attacks on Israeli cities and '500 dead' ..Concerns however over a shortage of gas masks in case of Iranian retaliation