Sailor claims he snapped a photo of the Loch Ness Monster!

It has been rumored for decades that Nessie resides deep in a lake in Scotland. And now, he said he has the picture to prove it!!

According to George Edwards, a sailor who has a boat named "Nessie hunter," he takes a voyage daily to search for Nessie.. He said he saw something out of the corner of his eye, and SNAP! here is Nessie..

ABC news has more on Edwards' tale, whether it be tall or small. Nessie alive? And well? After all these years. Good to see the hump-backed something still swimming happily along, somewhere out there..

Perhaps she is reproducing. 

Spawning more Nessies for generations to come to get a picture of. 
Elusive and seclusive. But every now and then she bursts to the surface to be in the scene. She is a star waiting to be born! Hollywood here she comes!