Those paying attention to the situation regarding a former Marine named Brandan Raub are scratching their collective heads.
He was apparently posting messages on Facebook about his dislike for the current state of America's government, including quips in which he spoke about revolution and posted videos showing he believed 9/11 was an inside job.
But when the FBI and Secret Service showed up to get him, they cuffed him and arrested him? took him? No that's not the right word. As a matter of fact, the agencies both say that they did not arrest him--though they cuffed him and took him away to a mental ward. As a matter of fact, as the story goes, it appears that the police arrested him for 'resisting' ...arrest, no not arrest. Resisting 'being taken into custody' for .. his own good? Or just to go to a psych ward? I don't know. But he was not arrested.
Just cuffed.
And taken. For something.
Facebook posts!
He was not read his Miranda rights. But why would he be, silly billy, he wasn't arrested. No need to tell him of a right to counsel if they are just 'coming to take him away ha ha!'
And on that Miranda issue, the situation is even more murky--I know, you're asking, how could it get MORE murky than the muddiness it already has associated with it! But it does!
In Richmond, according to an AP report today, a group called the Rutherford Institute is representing Raub and says he is being detained for speaking on Facebook against the government.
So until this story develops further, sit back, ask yourself if your posts would prove you to have mental problems, and just enjoy the music...