This is amazing: International group of astronomers looking deep into the heavans discover galaxies just like ours.. What if it us? A mirror? Our alternate realities? Amazing find..

Justice in Norway: Court deems Breivik to be sane.. sentences..

No denial, West Nile is back with a vengeance this year.. 1,100 cases and growing.. deaths up from other years.. More people having effects than ever since the disease was discovered in the late 1990s..

Scientists discover new mysterious 'AIDS-like' disease..

Livestrong: Lance Armstrong ends his fight.. and he loses all of his titles..

Where were you one year ago when the big Virginia earthquake shook the entire continent?

The big 2011 Virginia quake created a 'new normal' of earthquake drills..

Link discovered between solar activity and cold European winters..

Wells are running dry across the Midwest..

How did Mayans vanish? Maybe their crops caused a drought to get worse..

Full monty! Nudity up 6,300% over this time last year.. More people may have had their clothes off due to the heat...

The Royals desperately wanted all Brit publications not to publish images of Prince Harry naked in Vegas--and the SUN ignores those requests from her Majesty..

Leaked Bain documents complicate matters for candidate Romney..

Must read: GIZMODO publishes 'confessions from the most corrupt Apple store in America'..

Teen claims she was gang-raped on Carnival Cruise voyage..

Missing teen escapes years of abuse ..

New study seems to confirm that children of older fathers get certain genetic mutations--one could be autism..

What your eyes say about your health..